Four Priests Walk into a Bard... and End Up in Twelfth Night! image

Four Priests Walk into a Bard... and End Up in Twelfth Night!

Vote for your favorite Twelfth Night Priest!

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

"Four Priests Walk into a Bard..."

With an opening like that, the laughs are sure to follow!

Southern Shakespeare Company is excited to announce FOUR local celebrity guest actors in the role of the Priest! We will welcome a new guest actor to the role for each night of our Twelfth Night production and invite you to vote for your favorite.

The Priest receiving the most votes - and donations to support SSC - will be presented with The PP Award (The People's Priest Award)!

Donate to your Priest's cause, and then pick your Priest when prompted. Our local celebrities are Sean Pittman, Senior Partner and CEO, Pittman Law Group (Thursday night); Gary Yordon, Video Producer and Television Host (Friday night); Jack Campbell, State Attorney (Saturday night); and William Hatfield, Executive Editor, Tallahassee Democrat (Sunday night).

Photo credit: Bob Howard